I’m a third year Ph.D. student. My research interests include and mobile system smartphone energy management.
I mainly work on the Maybe project in past year. We introduce a new approach based on structured uncertainty through a new language construct: the maybe statement. We have developed a custom Java compiler, Gradle plugin, backend based on Meteor, Android Library. Another project I participated is Jouler. We have modified Android Open Source Project to add energy management policy framework. It provides APIs for developers to write their own energy management policy. Related experiments show that Jouler works well under both controlled experiments and when deployed on the PhoneLab smartphone platform testbed.
I received my B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from North China Institute of Science and Technology in 2008. After that, I got my master degree in Software Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2011. As a graduate student, I studied with Chunxia Zhang. She led us for a project named Theory and Method to Ontology Learning Field about Chinese Text, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
I spent one year for some temporary works in China and finally decided to pursue a Ph.D. degree. I got offer and joined the University at Buffalo in 2013. I’m really enjoying the experience of studying at UB and blue, and I have learned a lot.